Raven Guidance & Steering

In the retrofit sector, the brand-independent and flexible Raven portfolio complements the existing AFS lead product portfolio to serve even more customers with different profiles and needs – regardless of the make of their machines!


7-inch display

12-inch display



Manual guidance 
with integrated lightbar

Electric Steering
With the smart motor DirecSteer

Hydraulic guidance
For steer-ready and non steer-ready machines

*Steering controller (SC1) needed when used for electric or hydraulic guidance.


    Something new is on the way!

The world of precision technology moves fast - so we'll help you keep pace! That's why we'll exchange all CR7 and CR12 displays purchased from an official Case IH dealer between 01.09.2023-31.05.2024 for a new CR7+ and CR12+ display free of charge.* 

Advantages: enhanced hardware capacity, compatible with future software updates. 

Disadvantages: None!

*All information about the terms and conditions is provided by your official Case IH dealer.

Raven Essentials
Raven Implement Steering